Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Week 033 - Paint It So The Police Don't Shut it Down

Woahoahoah! How goes it fam!
Super pumped you guys got my letter. I totally timed it wrong when I sent it. I didn’t think Emma would be there, so there should be one heading to Provo for Emma as well.
Man… school. I remember that… "Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool, I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, Hope I don't get in a fight, Ohhhhhhh, back to school, back to school". You guys sure look too excited!
So check it… transfers just happened, and Elder Greene has another 6 weeks in the too cool Galvez.
Like always, it’s too cool here. Especially with the dogs, I think the dogs are too funny.  Living in Argentina is just like that time you looked up "funny dogs" on YouTube and watched a bunch of dogs for three hours, except I’m living in it. Some are so funny… like the greyhounds. I mean, no one really likes greyhounds, and you can tell even the dogs don’t like greyhounds. There will be two dogs playing, and then one greyhound wants to join in, and in the end... the playing stops, and no one is having fun. We had a greyhound following us yesterday, and it thought it was sooooo sneaky. Every time we turned around it would instantly walk off in the other direction, like, "whoa what is over there?" When in fact, I knew he were just following me two seconds ago. Anyways, I was petting a pit-bull the other day too. I get sucked into that too often. But it was getting a little excited as I did so and it ended up taking a jump and ramming my face. At least it wasn’t one of those Dogos; those things are nutz, and they are kept here as pets everywhere.
Somehow I’ve made this connection with Pablo, and he shows up to church at random times every Sunday. He´s totally fried his brain … he comes in sits down next to me and then starts going off about one of the members who is apparently his aunt, when she actually isn’t. Oh Pablo.
So check it… I don’t know if this is just something America hasn’t learned yet, or if the eggs here are different, but no one puts the eggs in the fridge here. People keep them in the cupboards for like weeks, and that’s what I know… and there are no issues. So I think someone has made up some kind of lie saying that we have to put eggs in the fridge. I go to this sort of secret storage unit to get my eggs and they are just chillin… piles and piles high of eggs in these garages. I don’t think they were ever refrigerated.
I have recently found the best churro place ever. I don’t know if this place has been my entire mission, but it’s by far the best churros I’ve had. They’ve got chocolate churros, they’ve got another kind of chocolate, and another kind. So you get the gist.
I don’t know if I’ve told you about the train town yet? But anyways… the police are trying to SHUT IT DOWN. In the middle of the city the train passes through, and by the train there is an abandoned train station, and a ton of people have just built Train City there. They get free housing, electricity, and water. And they steal it all, it’s awesome. If you look at the electrical lines, there’s just a random one going off to Train City. And I have no idea where the water comes from, because there’s just a foot of hose sticking out of the ground flowing with water forever. Who knows where that water comes from? So… a lot of our investigators are kind of freaking out because they are living in train town. They’ve invited us to come by and help them fix it up and paint it so the police don’t shut it down.
I’ve told you about the "When are we going to eat asado guy?" right? Maybe. But we are too tight right now. His name is Brian. And he gets pumped when he sees us. But it so funny because we see him almost 3 times a day, because he works at this mechanic shop that we have to pass by to get to our investigators. But around here you have to choose your favorite mechanic shop, because there’s like a thousand. It’s just a bunch of old guys that decide, oh hey, let’s make a mechanic shop in my garage, and they drink mate and wait for someone to come by. I love how jobs work here, like if you need work and don’t want to leave the house, you just make a store in your garage. It’s awesome, because if I get hungry I just look over and there’s a kiosk in someone’s garage.
Anyways you guys are great. I love you. I hope you like my letters!

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