Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 046 - Recently I Have Met The Holy Ghost

Hey you kids!
Wowzers. A week with the Hatfields! I’m too jealous right now.
Sadly Argentinians are just not a thankful crowd, I tell people that Thanksgiving is coming up in America and they just reply, "You have a holiday for giving thanks?"  Yes, and you guys have a holiday for your grandchildren. We are planning on celebrating some thanks with a little bit of asado! So it should be a great Thanksgiving as well here in Argentina! 
Recently I have met the Holy Ghost... I was sitting in the bishop’s home, when a white old man came knocking at the door. He came to give a few concerns to the bishop, saying, “Bishop, I’ve come to talk to you about the Holy Ghost." And so the bishop is like, "Alright"... and the man goes off describing the Holy Ghost, giving clear and true doctrine. So the bishops says "alright, true true true.” Then he says "Bishop, everything I have described to you is exactly the person who I am... I AM THE HOLY GHOST!" Just like that. And so the bishop says that the Holy Ghost doesn’t have a body, and this old man did. And the old man really didn’t like what he was hearing and left, and did not come back to church. So we have not seen the Holy Ghost lately. All these old fellas are just going nuts.
I was walking down the street when another dude starts yelling at me across the street, telling us to come over, and we go over (we don’t miss opportunities like these). This guy asks, "You like to dance?" And he was all interested in how we dance. So the conversation goes on, and he explains that he like traditional dancing. He says, "I’m a man that moves with the wind and with nature. I run with the animals. I am sick of all these buildings." I was like what? "Yeah, the world isn’t supposed to build houses higher than two stories. Look at the United States. Look at China. Building towers!" Anyways, he showed me his "traditional dancing" and I was not impressed.
Later … it’s Friday night, and everyone knows the cool cats are out at Friday night. And everyone is hammered. Buenos Aires was playing soccer, and one guy was too pumped for the game. And my companion has a keychain for this team he likes. And this guy wanted this keychain so badly. We continue to have a conversation and my companion ends up giving this guy the keychain. This guy was insanely pumped. He took my companion´s hand with the firmest handshake, and would not let go. Then he took my hand and did the same. Then he put our hands together, into a pile of our hands, and then finally for like 2 minutes, was kissing the pile of hands with the key chain inside. Thanking Jesus and all. This guy was truly thankful in preparation for this upcoming Thanksgiving.
I had to make my way to Santa Fe for one night this week, and usually when you’re staying the night in Santa Fe, you meet a bunch of other Elders who are staying the night. And I see this one Elder sitting alone on the counter, just chillin. His name is Elder Lorash, and Elder Lorash has kind of a reputation in the mission. So I thought… how about I talk to Elder Lorash. I go up, sit on the counter, and say, "How’s it going Elder Lorash?" And it was almost like this kid knew I was coming, because he instantly turns his head over to me and says, "So it’s the first week in my mission, right. I don’t know Spanish or nothing. I could barely buy myself a hamburger. But I persevered, and found myself in a superstore. And I’m confused and I lose my companion, and only 10 seconds later I go around a corner and a man took me by the shoulders and kissed me right on the lips.... I ran for my life. That’s why I always stay with my companion." I had not even met this guy or asked him for his name, but I sure felt like I knew Elder Lorash.
So everyone right now is going nuts over some kind of cup flipping game. And apparently it was on some kind of music video in English. I don’t know if this is the same in America, but everyone is loving this cup flipping game. I heard the song, it’s not that great. But it comes with an ice cup flipping game.
So we are still working with and helping Pablo and Angelica get baptized. I don’t know if you remember Pablo and Angelica. They’re not the brightest people, but I know my fair share of "What About Bob" and Dr. Leo Marvin knows baby-steps is key. But this is an awesome couple, and they are really trying to understand the gospel, and you can see their understanding change as we teach them more and more. In December they are going to get married, and are planning on being baptized the day after. Really great people.
And Kevin’s brother, Alejo, is a total champ. He is working with Kevin every day to be ready to be baptized, which should happen this Saturday. These two kids are too great. And they have a bunch of cats that live in their room, because the girl cat just had like 7 babies.  But they don’t know who the dad is, because there’s like 3 other dude cats in the house.
But I love you guys and miss you, I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, I am super thankful for having a family of champs!
Elder Greene

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