Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Week 043 - A Will And Strength For The Service Of God

Hey Fam!
Happy Halloween! Wow. So many good times in the Greene Family! You guys are awesome! I brag about you guys all the time here as well.
Well, it’s been a great week in Recreo. We added a new member to the team, Elder Gardner. So we are now a white, Yankee trio! Elder Gardner actually came with us from the MTC as well, so it was no big news to me answering, “Who is Elder Gardner?” So you could say the Gangs all here.
It was an awesome week that started with a little pizza party with Olga. She’s a recent convert and she made us pizza. She actually got to go to the temple this week. In fact, the whole dang crew of Recreo went in a huge double decker bus. After shmoozin the missionaries of so much cash for churros, everyone was able to go, and they all shared their testimonies this last Sunday. It was super awesome.
Especially this kid Kevin who got baptized a couple months ago. Actually this kid is too awesome, right... he is 15 years old, and he gets baptized, and he lives like 50 min walking to the church, and he comes to church every Sunday on his own, 15 minutes before anything starts, and he will show up to any activity, because he wants to get out of the house so badly. He’s really bugged by his stepdad, so he’ll always be asking, “what’s happening this week?” If it’s games, service, church, or even indexing, he’s there. Or to come to lessons with us, he is so there. But anyways, he went to the temple and gives the sickest testimony ever about how he didn’t really have a ton of interest to go to the temple, but when he did, it was one of the greatest experiences of his life, and he doesn’t want to come to church just to get away from his stepdad, but because he wants to. It was a cool sacrament meeting.
The day before, we had to go to Santa Fe, for a missionary youth activity, where we were partnered up with a mini missionary for a couple hours contacting and such. I got put with this kid Kevin. A different Kevin. Because for some reason, Kevin was like the number 1 name of the year 2000. Anyways, they decide to send us out during siesta, and there’s a reason you don’t contact during siesta, because you become the most hated person in all of Argentina. I think Kevin was pretty freaked out by the whole experience, by the huge number of doors slammed in our face, by angry old men! It was awesome!
And then they had a fireside afterwards, and the stake president, who is such a capo by the way, gave a talk about how missionary work is such a miracle, and the sacrifices that are made, and how we are called, and we should answer that call and not leave it hanging. But not with an attitude lacking faith, but with a will and strength for the service of god. Pretty neat, right? I got some good alone time with ye ole President Perez, and finally got to ask if we can start listening to Enya. He agreed. So we are all in the clear to listen to Enya, VAMOS.
We found the dankest churro pan place this week. For those that are not ahead of the game, churri pan is like a way good brat sandwich with chimi churri. And man these guys go hard on the churri pan. And it’s like a buck a sandwich. They just got a new Amador so I guess business is doing well.
Last night we had an awesome experience. We had no plans, because literally there was no one letting us in, and we figured we would go to a family who has been inactive for a while, and have not let anything/anyone that dealt with the church get in contact with them. So we went over and the dad instantly invited us in, and this is the first time I had met this family, and they said they were about to have a family home evening, and that we should join them. So we did. And we gave a message about doing the little things, like reading the scriptures and praying, and they said they had forgotten these things, and they had lost the spirit in their lives. He recognized that he had once had the spirit, and it was lost from their lives, and they had the desire to get it back. And so they invited us back. They are really cool, and have two little girls that love my little pony and those chick Legos that are like pink and white and stuff. It kind of reminded me of Claire. But yeah, it was great.
I love you guys and hope you have the greatest of Halloweens! I sure will!
Elder Greene
El Pibe de Texas

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