Saturday, February 6, 2016

Week 004 - Great Words Of Wisdom Come From Old People.

Hi Y'all (Texas language)

Super cool trip Dad and Claire are having, By the way, movies and the Neilsons are way better than New York City. I'm super jealous. Like really, because I only watch bible videos. In Spanish. Which are really great. But sometimes when I make it to my bed at night, I'm able to replay all of Ice Age in my head. That's fun. 

I will definitely be praying for Grandpa. That is super lame. It's great that he's getting positive results. Super sorry and sad, and I am praying for him. 

Sorry mom that everyone ditched you yesterday. Fridays... am i right, pshhh. 

And Emma needs to let the secret loose.  I think these "friends" Emma keeps talking about are real, but what they are we may never know. Just like how many licks it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Kills me every time I see that commercial. 

Super cool that you saw Russell M Nelson speak. Great words of wisdom come from old people. 

It's just been a usual week here at the MTC. Eat, sleep, spanglish and such. My companion and I received some funny advice this week, where a teacher said we have "Language Confidence". Which means we are really good at helping the investigator feel comfortable, by acting like we know what he is saying, and we really don't. So it's good and bad, So we've been working on that, and our lessons have been going more smoother and slower, because I'm always repeating what they are saying, which is actually better. We have this one guy we've been teaching for the past two weeks, and I swear he changes his personality and issues each lesson. I think he forgets who taught him last or something, cause we'll teach him to pray then ask him to be baptized, and a couple lessons later, turns out he's already been baptized, and then he says he's never prayed before. I say, "I prayed with you 4 days ago son." He's Super cool though, and old. One lesson he got so hyped up on the children in Guatemala who eat trash. And then he started showing us videos of poor kids eating trash, saying "LOOK WHAT GOD HAS DONE." He's a 55 year old stud Mexican. Lessons are going more smoothly though. 

Ok, so funny... I always see Matt Simmons around without his companion. And I'm like "Matt, where's your companion?" and he says like, "I don't know". That's his response. He is king. One day though, he was eating lunch with me, and his companion shows up and says, "Matt, where have you been?" and he says, "I've been eating." His companion was mad out of his mind. 

Recently, one of my fellow district members, Elder Butler, recieved one of those makeshift ping pong sets. I was psyched out of my mind. Now the new thing is ping pong in dorm 421.  We got another table from the other room and now we have this super long but narrow ping pong table. The Branch President came in as we were building the ping pong table, and was like ,"What is this?" and we said, "it's a ping pong table," and his response was, "don't get too crazy." He is a stud. The problem is.. we have to keep this thing a secrret because randomly kids are starting to figure out we have this ping pong set and want to join in. C'mon we don't have time for this.

Super gracias for the Bucees snacks. I've needed some beef jerky in my life. I placed all my snacks under the top bunk so the snacks hang above me. Now when I wake up in the middle of the night, and I'm feeling some sour cherry ball crave coming on, they are right there. It's the candy harvest right above me. 

Also thanks for the super cool letters. You guys are the cats pajamas when it comes to letters. I laugh every time. And thanks Katie for the new four square idea. Everybody loves super four square. its just way better than regular four square. Everyone know it by just the name. 

Another cool story... I was in the ducha (shower) with just me and one other guy in the whole bathroom.  And all of a sudden I hear this squealing,  Ahhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh, getting higher as if he was singing, then all of a sudden I realize he's pulling an Ariel. Then I'm thinking he wants me to join in. So I do. And sing, "Look at this stuff isn't it neat" then he says, "wouldn't you think my collection complete". The MTC changes you, for reals. Then some other guy came in screaming, "is that a hymn?" And then I hear the sound of a huge Tongan guy, "na that's my girl Ariel". I was singing Ariel with a huge Tongan guy. That went into the journal. 

Love you guys and miss you. Keep me updated with the good times. Here are some sweet pics.

LOL( lots of Love)
Elder Verde

Forgot to mention that I made a snow angel. 

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