Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 006 - Taking The Spoon To Argentina

HEY! I am totally jealous of the NASCAR Swag! Daytona ... you could call it the Redneck Superbowl. 

The pics of New York seemed like a good time! Of course Emma destroyed her head on one of the biggest memorials in the nation. You'll have to give me the whole story. Now we both have sweeeeet scars on our faces. 

The situation with Grandpa Greene is super lame, and he is totally in my prayers. Super thankful he caught on to good hospital care. 

But congratulations to Zach and Yevi. I'm physched out of my mind right now, You're going to have to send me his email so I can congratulate him. That is a power couple. 

So I have about two days until I head out for Argentina, I am way excited, and way nervous. it's crazy. The words of Mikey keep popping into my head... "It's their time. Up there. Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here. That's all over the second we ride up Troy's Bucket." Truely motivational. 

It's also been kind of like Cram Week of studying Spanish. Except for the times we get distracted by chalkboard stick figure battles. Don't worry I usually win. 

And this week has totally been package week. I received 3 packages and a sweet letter. And every time was the most exciting moment of my life. You were right, Valentine's Day is the best missionary holiday. That was a good card. So my first package was from you guys which had a ton of snacks. My second package was from Vanessa and Abi, and that had a ton of snacks. And then I received cinnnomon rolls, and I have no idea where those came from. This was all perfect timing, because the harvest above my bed was running out. And now it's more full than ever, with the best snacks around. I also got some Dr Pepper. Not Pibb. But a close second. So now, "I wake up, put my dip in, crack a cold one and start my day." 

I love that letter with the pop-out Brooklyn Bridge, Super cool! And I am going to cherish those truely inspirational quotes (hehe). But now I'm always thinking "My job ain't a job. It's a dang good time. City to city I'm running my rhymes". 

I keep trying to remember lyrics to the best Disney songs ever, and writing them down, because I have a huge plane ride and I want to get my playlist in my head down. So far it's "I will go the distance", "I'll make a man out of you", "Strangers like me", "Just can't wait to be king", "A whole new world", and "I won't say I'm in love". I've been getting help from the district. 

Check this, I'm going to send a picture of the mountain that is behind the Provo Temple. There was something that I noticed about it weeks ago, but this past week I realized what it actually is. I'm goint to give you time to you time...........................It's actually the scene in Mulan where the Huns are running down the mountain right before Mulan blows up the mountain and causes an avaalnche. The part where Shun Uh is booking down the mountain in the center, and the rest of the Huns are behind him at the top, and Mulan and her crew are at the bottom just Chillin. I thought that was pretty cool and no one else realized it. 

Turns out a lot of missions allow Disney music depending on the Mission President. So I totally blew it on not looking into that.

I'm  also sending you a picture of our Fajita night in the dormitorio. My companion got a box full of containers last night that had tortillas, salsa, meat... it was hyped. 

So that's what happened last night. 

Today we just had our last four square ever. I did not win the the spoon. But Elder Streuling in my District did, and we are taking it to Argentina. Yuppp!  

This last devotional, Elder Rasband came, and he spoke all about the talk he gave in 2010 that mom sent me a couple weeks ago, and he just went more in depth on the process of how our missions are chosen through revelation. He asked people questions, and shared his new insights, because now as an Apostle, he is selecting missions for missionaries. It's really cool how it all goes down. 

So on Monday morning when I get to the airport, I am alowed to call you guys and talk for 45 minutes. Sweet. So I should call around 10:30 Utah time, so be prepared. I think that's 11:30 for you guys. We actually just chill in the airport for four hours before leaving. So we are hitting up that Mcky D's before we head to Argentina. 

I totally found Bobby Mcgann. He's on the floor under me, I'm going to have to take a pic with him before I go. He's super tall and super pumped for the mission. Matt Simmons left Monday morning so the hype of the week has gone down a bit. 

I'm finally getting a haircut today, I've been kind of putting it off for the past six weeks, and my hair grows super fast, so some might say it's not mission appropriate. It's all good because I'm taking the initiative, like a real man, to cut down the flow. 

Oh wait, check this ... so on the plane we are separated with different companions for some reason, but the guy I sit next to... his mom sent him this small projector with a flash drive of all the mormon videos. So we are totally watching mormon vids on the plane, In spanish of course. 

Well... Can't wait to call you guys up Monday. Should be sweet. Love ya.
Con Amor
La Pelota Rey

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