Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Week 027 - I Am A Total Galvense Now

Thank you for that sermon of a lifetime! I’ve studied Elijah’s mission as well during my studies as a REAL MISSIONARY! But it’s very incredible gift given to us through temples.
Everyone here is pretty pumped; we are going to have a temple trip in the next few months so we are preparing everyone for that.
This week was fantastic, it was the end of the transfer, so Elder De La Rosa is now gone and I am still here in Galvez. Whaaaaat! I’m all about Galvez. I’m a total Galvense now. I got a new companion, Elder McKell, I don’t know if you remember but I had an Elder McKell in my district in the MTC. Guess what.... it’s the same one, pretty sick. Now we have three shankeys that came at the same time in Galvez! Cool. We had a really cool activity on Friday. We ate empanadas with the ward so it was really cool for me because I’m a fan of the empanadas. Apparently the branch president thought we were going to have 20 people and each would eat like 5. Turns out 12 came and everyone in the ward is way old and can eat at most two. So Mariel and Mirta made 120 empanadas for the missionaries this morning. There were so many on the table I felt really it was my missionary duty to eat them all. And me and Elder Hill both totally lost count at 15 empanadas. We finished one and we were like why not another. So... too many empanadas happened.
Pablo came too! Vamos! Pablo is Mr. "my body my body my body". He’s totally wack, but was chowing down the empanadas too. But guess what happens when you eat too many empanadas... It ends up like the locro all over again where you are the never-ending joke. But the thing is, I think Elder Hill ate more than me and I was the only one getting all sorts crap. It’s pretty funny though; good times!
Teaching this week was awesome. We found an old investigator from years ago and taught this mom and her family and she’s totally cool and down on reading, and it totally makes sense to her about authority and all that... Sick.
We made our way to Augustine, the son of Gregoria and had a cool talk with him. We kind of disrupted his "Build City” time. I guess it’s a video game where you build cities. His city is Galvez city. How clever.
Mirta invited us over because she had a class to teach on Sunday. So she wanted help. She was very nervous but it was very good. She talks a little too much though.
We finally found Matias after a while, and he had been reading the Book of Mormon and totally has been praying about the word of wisdom. Champ. And he has pretty much committed himself because he wants to "change his life." Really copado. And he and his friend are going to come to church this week. He wants to be baptized on the 6th of August.
I was watching this dog in front of the church the other day and it was really funny because he always sits in front of the carneceria for them to give him some meat, and they do. Then he takes it to his spot in front of the church. Then he places it down and just chills with meat in front of him. Then this other dog came and peed on a tree close by. So the meat dog went to go smell the tree and while the meat dog was smelling the other dog totally stole the meat. Oldest trick in the book. What was so great is that it happened a second time, like 15 min later, when the dog went to the carneceria again! And it was just like 15 min earlier. Dog pees, he sniffs, meat gets stolen.  Poor dog. But you got to learn sometime.
Saturday was the independence day of Argentina. It was totally crazy because it’s Independence Day. Everyone was going around booking it on horses and motorcycles with huge jugs of booze. They were really hyped.
I’m happy you guys are doing awesome. I’m loving the mission, the work is great. And you guys are the best.
Pics: A little with the old companero and a little with the new. And empanadas and Santa Fe

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