Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week 037 - Do You Realize What Happened Last Night?

Hey fellas!

Hows it going? That looks like a crazy cool trip. Thanks for the pics! 

It’s been another fantastic week here in beautiful downtown Galvez. The people here are on fire. Especially the members. We have emphasized the importance of member missionary work. 

Mirta gave us a call the other day saying she set up a meeting for us and and a family; the Family Ramero. So we walk with Mirta to the meeting and as we are walking, a man standing on top of his car says “hi”, and we say “hi” back, and keep walking, and then Mirta decides to stop and talk to this man. His name is Christian Borda. And Mirta says, "Whats your name? Where do you live? Do you realize who these boys are? They changed my life." Then she goes on, and keeps talking and says, “When can they go over to your house to change your life?" So right then we were given the address of Christian; and we should be heading over there soon. As we walked away Mirta says, "Did you see the way he looked at us, I had to stop." Right on! 

So we go to the meeting and meet Suley Ramero. And once again Mirta is on fire. She usually has a hard time not talking, but this time it was good, and we explained the church to this mom, and Mirta explains some life changing moments, then she says, “Alright, you are coming to church, right?" the mom says, “Yes.” “Alright, so you’ll be baptized, right?" Once again, "Yes". We were there for literally 20 minutes. Awesome. She has a husband, and a daughter that is 9 years old; we were able to talk to the father on Saturday, after we set up a meeting. We showed up, having not even met the guy, with him yelling at us saying, “I’ve been waiting for you two all day. Do you realize what happen last night? I read the book. I felt sooooooo much peace, so much peace, so much peace." He (Daniel) said that like 40 times. He went on, "I felt so much peace that I got the kids around, and we said a prayer for the first time in my life." Sick! This guy was so pumped and he loves Jesus so much. He even has a church shirt. I know; because he said it 50 times. He was like,"Man I’m freaking pumped! I’ve been drinking green tea all day!" (Rico quote). It was awesome, and the dad and the daughter both want to be baptized.

Later we had a member lesson with Dario. We invited brother Pujol to come; and really, I love this man. We show up at Dario´s house. Dario comes to the door. He says we need to talk. He explains he doesn’t want to go any further with this. He’s been feeling a lot of pain, and he is very angry with God. Hermano Pujol starts some small talk, "How’s it going?" "Who are you?" "Where do you work?" Dario totally chills out and then we say a prayer. Pujol continues sharing a fantastic experience where he was in a lot of pain physically and mentally and he went to 10 different churches and found no help. He found the Church of Jesus Christ and told God that when he comes out of the baptismal water that he wanted to be healed of all his pains. He said right when he came out he felt no pain anymore. Now he plays soccer. He was very excited about that. We left and Dario asked us to come back. 

Galvez kills it man! 

Ebelie made us an awesome birthday lunch this week, with cake and everything. She’s one of the oldest members in Galvez! We actually had a bunch of lunches this week, which is totally crazy because we never get lunches. But we got invited over by a less active women who Ii didn’t even know. She just found us off the street and invited us over. 

I found my first Buddhist this week. He is a totally fake Buddhist though. But he loves the lifestyle. He also loves Bob Marley, dreads, and weed. He’s cool though, and he wants us to come back. 
We went to Santa Fe again this week, because Elder Mckell had some passport business. So I was on divisions with Elder Llanos all day. He´s one of the coolest guys I know. He works in the offices and he had to go to the bank. I went with him and he shows up with a big jacket. We talk to the bank lady and elder llanos takes 50,000 pesos from his account and just starts shoving it all in his jacket pockets, and then asks, "Where’s the next macro bank?"....king! He knows very little English, and as we are leaving he turns to me and says, "Money rule!" Right on. 

Man I’m super jealous of your cool trip. Tell all the family they are super great! I hope you've learned a good bit of Shakespeare!

I love you guys!

Elder Greene!

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