Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 061 - I Am Not Suited For The Bike Racing Dream

Hola Family. Hoorah to grandparents! I’m glad you guys were able to have a great time with grandma and grandpa, and that mom is still jammin to Boys II Men.

We had another really great week. With a lot of traveling. Mostly on the spot traveling. So not much work was done in Recreo. Monday we made a trip to Esperanza because the power went out in Recreo and there wasn’t any internet. But there was power in Esperanza. By the way, Esperanza is one of my favorite cities here in the mission. It’s very nice, with a beautiful plaza stacked with Catholic churches. So Esperanza stacks up with the Catholic tithing. And if you’re not Catholic, you are probably part of the "Universal Church", which is a church organization from Brazil, with a bunch of massage and psychology doctors... supposedly. The church owns a show about Moses and everyone watches this show here in Argentina, even the members. But the only true facts in the show are that Moses and Ramses are in it. Everyone likes to tell us how they know all about bible, but really all they know about the bible is the Moses version of the show. Pretty little liars.

But check this. While we were in Esperanza we made a trip to visit the zone leaders, who have bikes. The only two bikes in the mission, and it turns out there is a bicycle racing track in Esperanza. So we made our way over to the track, to attempt to ride the bikes all the way around the track. I soon came to the reality after 1 lap around the track, that I am not suited for the bike racing dream. Because I was very tired.

We actually had a zone conference this week, which I didn’t even realize was happening until the day before, when I got a call from our leaders saying, "We will be using the Recreo building for the conference tomorrow, is that alright?" Claro. And so we had a zone conference in Recreo, we heard the great words from our president and ate some dang good pollo.

Later in the week we had to make our way to Santa Fe two times. And while we were down there we came across, a tourist map. And it turns out there’s a bunch of museums and history all over Santa Fe. Who knew? So I’m getting on a history binge and learning all about the founders of Santa Fe, I’ll have to give you the load of history when I get back.

We have two investigators right now who are really getting into the church. They are two sisters, one named Aldana Ramirez that is 24 years old and her Sister Maitai Ramirez that is 17 years old. Aldana came to church last week and this week, and her sister came yesterday. They really like the church. This is the same family that said when we pass by they feel the spirit and don’t have the urges to fight within the family anymore. Aldana got ahold of the personal progress program, and wants to progress personally... and serve a mission. So Vamos.

One of the speakers failed to come to church on Sunday, so as the leader of the district of Recreo, they appointed me, Elder Greene, to be the backup. So in 5 minutes I prepared a 15 min talk, on the classic subject of member missionary work. But I did realize that the members get that talk a lot. I think by now they know that service, and bringing people unto Christ, is a commandment, and it is what God wants. And the only reason there isn’t a lot of member missionary work going on is because people see it as a commandment more than a privilege. And so I focused on the words of Thomas S Monson, who said that we should not be observers and watch as the great movement of the restoration walks by, but be participants. And what a privilege it is to have that knowledge that we have and be able to share that knowledge with others, which then is not only blessing their lives but our lives as well. And helps them really feel the love of God in their lives. I think people think they should be going out in the street and looking for people, inviting whoever, to come to church. But it’s not that way, its reactivating members, completing families who not all are baptized, and working with the youth.

The youth are the most important part of the gathering of Israel. Recently, I think it was Elder Nelson that had a meeting with the Seventy, and he asked all those that were baptized between the age of 9 and 25 to stand up. And the majority, stood up. Whoa whoa whoa.

Anyways it ended up being a good talk because many members of the ward came up to me saying that they have been lazy, and that they should be acting more like a member of the church. No joke people said that. So I was pretty happy to hear that.

I love you guys so much, I hope you have the greatest of weeks!

Elder Greene

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