Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week 090 - Mom Totally Brings It Like P90X Brings It


I’m glad you guys had a great time over in Utah. Lame that Katie and Claire had to stay back and watch conference alone, I guess that’s what happens to the last couple of kids in the family. Hey that’s super awesome that Claire participated in singing for some Houston soccer hooligans.  But it’s just one more step to being a real Texan, right.

Last week was pretty fantastic, especially when it’s conference week. This was officially my last conference in the mission, no more ya fue. But conference week is always pretty great, there were some really great talks that I really appreciated. It was kind of interesting as I was watching conference, because I was thinking “wow there's a lot of really good talks this conference,” then I realized that all the talks in conference are really great, I just paid attention more. But that’s how it is, if you look to get something out of conference, you appreciate more of the talks, and every talk becomes a great talk. But I agree with mom, I really loved Elder Oaks talk; I thought it explained exceptionally well the LDS perspective of the family. We say that the family is important to our religion, and you might say that the Importance of family isn’t a distinct belief. I mention the Importance of the family in every one of my lessons and everyone agrees saying, yeah that’s how it is in my religion as well. Yah, but the Mormon faith explains well and deeper the eternal aspect of the family. We know that the family is ordained of God, as said in the family proclamation to the world. And I thought it was well explained the meaning of a family being ordained of God. I also liked what he mentioned about how salvation is a personal effort but exaltation is a family effort. We might make ourselves feel better when we sin by saying it only effects my salvation. But no, it does very much effect the future of your family especially in the eternal exaltation of your family. So we all have a personal responsibility to take care of ourselves but the same responsibility for others in our families. And all commandments and all the things God asks of us, are so that every family can reach their full potential. And to reach one's full potential, the family is essential. One might think it’s ok to live with their boyfriend or girlfriend, because God still loves them anyway, which is totally true. But you are risking the destruction of a future family and it blocks the true potential that the loving father has provided for them.

Also one of my favorite talks was in the morning session of Saturday, from the young women president. She made some huge pointers of how many latter day saints live and what we should change. She mainly pointed out that we are obviously a service based church, but sometimes we focus more on serving others that we don’t know than serving others that we do know. That we spend so much time serving others and we don’t know. Which is totally awesome, but we completely forget to serve those who are right in front of our faces that go to church and activities with us each day; and they are also going through their own personal catastrophes. I liked the story of the mother that was talking to her daughter about going to the Mutual activity. The mom totally brings it, like p90x bring it. To her daughter. The daughter mentions that she didn’t want to go to the Mutual activity because there’s nothing she’s going to get out of it, that she already is strong in the church or something like that. And then the mom says, what makes you think that you go to Mutual for your own benefit? You go to mutual to go help someone else, who needs a friend, who comes to mutual activities looking for help. That is why we come together as a church. I talk to so many people who think they don’t need a church because they have God and Jesus and the scriptures. Well it’s not about yourself. It’s about others.

Leo came to conference yesterday, and after he asked to talk to us about his baptism date. He asked if he could be baptized this week and that he was willing to do all he can to make it to that date. We actually were planning on the 14th to be the day of the baptismal service, but he said that after conference and all the changes he has been making, makes him more anxious to be baptized. And there’s nothing that holds him back from becoming a member, so we are going to be visiting him every day of this week, before his baptism and confirmation for this Saturday

We are also teaching a really sweet girl named Shilda, I don’t really know what kind of name that is, but it’s her name. A member invited us over to teach her, mostly because he wants to take her out and stuff like that. So that’s how we met Shilda. What an awesome investigator, she really understands the lessons. And after she takes time to read and mark her scriptures and every lesson she explains what she had read, and she always marks really good scriptures. Sometimes we give scriptures for people to read and they mark whatever scripture and explain it in a way that’s totally not what it means. Sometimes I’ll bring members to lessons with us and we´ll start talking about what is the meaning of the word "restoration" and this members will start going off on faith in Jesus Christ, and it’s kind of hard to bring the lesson back on track. Don’t do that.

Anyway great conference! Good times! I love y’all

Elder Greene

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