Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week 092 - Soccer Is Apparently A Big Deal Around Here

Hey Family,

It was another great week here in Santa Fe.  People are pretty pumped because Argentina slid right in for the world cup, and soccer is apparently a big deal around here so everyone was watching the "Ecuador vs Messi" game Tuesday night. one of the great things about having an Argentine companion, is the fact that he is also a hooligan for foosball, and it just so happened that one of our investigators let us in to teach during the game, and of course when I asked if we could turn off the TV to teach a message, everyone including my companion, looked at me like "are you kidding me right now" with a respectful, honest, and polite "no". So nothing can truly get done during soccer. Especially when everyone is losing their mind because in the first minute of the game the other team scored. Anyway everyone went home happy because a world cup without Messi wouldnt be a world cup.

Yesterday I had to go to an auto-sufficiency class, basically to learn all about how I can save up the money I earn and decrease the expenses I have. And all missionaries who go home before January have to take this class, so it was awesome and the worst at the same time. There’s a ton of missionaries that go home before Christmas, and everyone was talking as if they go home tomorrow, when we still have two months left, so after going back to my area, it was kind of a bummer. So I drank a hot chocolate and pretended like I wasn't trunky out of my mind. I think 'trunky' is a made up slang term used amongst mormon missionaries, describing a missionary who is excited about returning home as "trunky" as if he has already packed his trunk. Or maybe because he or she is excited to put on some swimming trunks, I’m not totally sure. Basically that’s how I felt.

At this class though I meet the two Elders that are serving in my old area in Rafaela and they told me a good story. Elder Hopkins and I, a couple weeks before we left Rafaela, started teaching a women name Ugenia. She was a super great lady that liked hearing the messages we taught, but wasn’t investigating a ton. And then we left. The other guys taught her later and basically slowly stopped teaching her. But on Saturday which was the end of the transfer, she calls the missionaries saying she wants be baptized. But it just so happens that yesterday president took out the missionaries from Juan de Garay, and they won’t be there anymore. So President Perez calls this women and that Saturday night teaches her the commandments and gives her a baptismal interview on the phone. She went to church the next day and was baptized after the meeting, then the missionaries left. So that’s nuts.

We've been passing by the home of our recent convert, Axel lately and this is a really fun family to visit. Lately they've gotten into a Turkish soap opera that goes on every night. So that’s usually the beginning of every conversation we have with talking about how the "Turks" are doing lately. And now it’s gotten so bad that of the few phrases their 3 year old knows, one is going around the house screaming "for Allah." I think the baby learned that from Miguel whose put that into his vocabulary.

Finally the police decided to be the man and tear down the illegal drug store that’s on the corner of our street. There’s this house at the end of our street that had gotten so comfortable about selling drugs they turned their home into a literal drug store, and everyone knows about it. And these idiots who blaze their brains out keep knocking at our door during the siesta asking us if we sell drugs. "Duuuuuuuude, their corner house basically has a sign on its door, quit bugging me during my personal study." So hopefully the madness will stop.

I might have mentioned this already, but it’s so crazy I’m talking about it again. I’m so done eating Milanese. And if you’ve forgotten what Milanese is, it’s a giant chicken nugget. I eat Milanese every day for every meal, because everyone has the same great idea to feed the missionaries Milanese. Because they are awesome. But not so awesome when you eat them every day, I’m just letting you know this because I don’t want to come home a find out that I’m eating giant chicken nuggets for dinner. Maybe just wait a few weeks later with mayonnaise potatoes.

Super cool stuff happened on Saturday because the stake went to “the granja" to help serve and clean up the place. So for some reason I thought for my entire mission that a granja was like a giant garden, and so when we showed up to help out and clean and I wasn’t too surprised to see that it was a giant park. So someone sent me onto a roof of a building to kick off some leaves. And too my astonishment I saw in the distance.....llamas. Like tons of llamas. And so I’m screaming to Elder Hopkins, because it just so happens Elder Hopkins is there too, and I’m screaming to him, letting him know that there’s llamas off yonder in the park. So I soon learn that a granja is actually a zoo. Granja is actually farm in Spanish, but no one wants to call their granja a zoo because apparently Argentina is anti Shamu now and zoos are bad news and they abuse animals.

I love you guys, hope you have the greatest week.

Elder Greene

The giant hamster is a carpincho, I don’t know what that is in English buts it’s a giant hamster and they are awesome, people eat them and take their skin and make cool mates out of their skin

We also helped someone build a table

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