Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 009 - Why do we not have Siesta in America

Hey everyone. You guys all sound great.
Like I said before… Argentina is awesome... or at least Galves. The people here are so great and loud. So I have learned people here don’t speak Spanish, its Castellano. So it’s like Spanish, but every time you say "ya" in a word, it’s actually "sha." So everyone is always asking me how my Castellano is going, and when I go to the ATM it asks if I want English or Castellano. I always do wonder if it’s sinful to push English. I am pretty much trying to go all Castellano down here. It’s easier when your companion is a native speaker. But he is also trying to learn English, so half the time he talks and I don’t know if he is speaking Spanish or English because his English is not to swell. He knows this. And he’s from Peru. And Peruvians for some reason can’t turn up the volume past 5. So there is a little bit of a communication problem going on, but we are still killing it and work together way fine.
Check this… I totally had my first actually lesson on Tuesday. Usually a lot people we make appointments with bail out even if it’s like the next day. Dirty dogs. But not Donato. We found Donato and gave him the first lesson. And you know what he says… This is true. So I asked him to be baptized and he said yes. Donato is such a capo (cool guy). We gave him two other lessons and each time you can see him down the street standing waiting in front of his house exactly when we schedule. He is too pumped. And he’s a grandpa so we´re trying to get ahold of the rest of his family once we fully convert him. Super cool experience.
I still can barely understand people. Some people have no teeth, and to me it is like not even words are coming out… just like mshmshmshmshmsh. Seriously, sometimes I think I can pick out a few words; but na. Some people are way cool and see that I don’t really know the language, so they’ll speak slower.
On Wednesday we actually got a new apartment. So now we don’t live with 4 missionaries in a tiny apartment. And the other guys got totally screwed, because this new one is way nice. They never have had 4 missionaries here, so they brought in all sorts of new stuff like desks, and a refrigerator, and beds. Way cool. I’ll send you a few pics.
So Saturdays here in Galves are so crazy. It’s pretty much party central. So from like 8PM to 5 in the morning on Sunday you hear Katy Perry, and people are just losing their minds. We get up at 7 on Sunday and there were still a few people hyped up. I feel that I need to remind these people that it is the Sabbath day. Whatever. 
Oh wait, I need to tell you guys my daily schedule. We don’t have to get up at 6:30 anymore, it’s 7AM, and we don’t go to bed until 11PM. For some reason I just get wrecked at 6:30AM, so this is good. And here is the greatest thing I’ve been waiting to tell you guys but totally forgot in the commotion last week... Siesta. Why do we not have Siesta in America? It’s daily nap time. So we are allowed to take a nap from 2:30 to 3:00. But if you finish lunch early you can Siesta from 2 to 3. Santa Fe mission is king. Like I think I would pass out on the street if I didn’t have Siesta. Genius. There is total truth in… “You’re sent to where you’re supposed to be.”
The driving here is totally crazy. So in this area, there are not really signs. You have stop lights, but the rule is pretty much every man for themselves. Don’t hit somebody. I think it’s way better, because now everyone’s on their toes when they’re driving because one guy could just be flying down a neighborhood intersection. And there are so many motorcycles here. Everyone has one, and you see old ladies cruising from the grocery store on their motorcycles. Or bikes.  A lot of people cruise on their bikes in the street. There’s this one guy that has a bike with a little trailer behind it with two huge sound systems. Blasting this radio station which I guess lets everyone know where the parties are going to be at. But it is so loud and you can hear it all through the city. I’ll have to snap a pic of him sometime. I’m totally doing that back in the States.
There is this one funny guy we talk to a lot in the streets because he tries to speak English to me. But all day he stands next to a stop light and when it turns red he stands in front of these cars and juggles. Another possible future career.
So it’s the beginning of the month now, so we actually have money. Elder Hill and I didn’t have money until this month so we were supposed to use the money Elder Ricra and Elder Hafen had. But for some reason they barely had any money so we were really scrapping down on food, and my MTC Hot Cheetohs that came in clutch. Since we don’t have a lot of members we make a lot of food at home, and it’s usually rice and potatoes. But mornings are exciting because we have cereal. The milk here is all in cartons. I don’t know what kind of milk they have, but I think it’s cool that you don’t have to refrigerate the milk.
Anyways, I’m doing great. I was telling Katie this… the mission is only hard when I start missing the past. And sometimes I get these sweet dreams where I’m doing cool things with my friends and then I wake up and realize I am in Argentina. Kind of stinks for a moment, but I occupy myself with cool scriptures in Revelations, or “Apocalypse” as it is in the Spanish scriptures.
Love you guys and love your emails and good times. Ciao. (That’s like hello and goodbye here)

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