Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 011 - The Guys In Front Take Your Trash

Man, you guys look great, even though you are posing. You guys are so Texan. My opinion of the rodeos have totally changed now. Maybe Texas isn’t stupid and ole.

Alright, this week has been way awesome. I had two experiences which might not live up to visiting BeyoncĂ©’s childhood home, but they were pretty great.

First off, Donato was totally baptized. My first baptism ever. He is so pumped out of his mind with the spirit right now. It was so awesome dunking him in the homemade font, made of pipes and a tarp. King of baptismal fonts. He was so excited, and when we went to walk with him from his house, he was all dressed up nice and sharp and ready. His wife died this past week, and it was real hard on him and the family, but we were talking to his kids, who are adults and have kids of their own. They were saying how the church has been a super good experience for him, and he has definitely changed to a happier person. I was like duh… it’s the Church of Jesus Christ. They don’t want anything to do with it because they are Catholic. I was like, “come on… you don’t want these endless joys?”
Anyways, the baptism was super awesome, and Elder Hill got to baptize Rafael, who is a younger kid, and for some reason the Branch President brought adult sized pants, so when he was trying to get out of the font, his pants were coming off. He was pretty pumped too.
Another cool experience… I also gave my first priesthood blessing. You remember Hermano Pujol? The stud who gives me the best handshakes ever?  Yeah, he got bit by this thing called a Dangy. I don’t know, but that’s what everyone calls it. And when you get bit by a Dangy, your body starts hurting like crazy. People say it’s like diabetes for 6 months. Not sure what that means, but apparently you are in pain for a while, and you can’t really do much.  Anyways, we get a call from his wife, and we went to the hospital. The doctor tells us what’s going, and we go in and ask if he needs anything. So he tells us he wants a priesthood blessing, and Elder Ricra says, “Alright, Elder Greene is going to do it.” I was like no way, and took out the ol blanco bible, and learned the words, and gave him a blessing that he was going to be well and work again. Then, the next day he didn’t feel a thing, and was back at his home and church two days later. Aww man, the faith of that man is ridiculous. Actually, the faith of all the members that show up is awesome… to go to church, which is in a garage, while everyone else goes to all the other churches. But they go to this one because they know it is true. And man, he knew that he was going to be feel better from that blessing, and the thanks he had after was way awesome.
I am so thankful to be worthy to hold the priesthood right now.
We have a few members who have trouble coming to church because they are older, and they keep saying that they can’t do it. So we’ve been teaching them at their homes, and trying to build up their faith. They can do it. They just don’t try hard enough. Anyways, one of them is named Electra, and she’s super awesome and hilarious. She lives alone, and she has lived alone her whole life… kind of lame.  She’s super small, and she totally reminds me of that doctor guy from Luigi's Mansion. You may know what I’m talking about Katie. But she’s always telling us this story of how she got robbed 3 years ago. I don’t know why. It’s probably the story of her life. So, one day she asked us to clean her backyard, and we were like, "sure totally." But we soon learned her backyard isn’t a super simple mess. The entire backyard is covered in trash. You cannot see the ground, and there’s probably been trash there for years. And she wasn’t even asking to clean the trash. She was asking us to cut down the 4 ft. tall grass and super bushy trees. So this turned into a two hour project that was not finished. I don’t know, maybe she doesn’t know the guys in the front take your trash.
And by the way… the way they take trash here is way cool. They don’t use garbage cans. You just take the garbage bag and put it in these cages that are 5 feet off the ground so dogs can’t get them. These cages are everywhere.
And the dogs… like I said, dogs are everywhere.  And I think if you want a dog, you just take one off the street. But a lot of the ones that live in the street run in packs, especially in the mornings when we are running. I had this one dog that wanted me to play fetch with a bottle it carried. So whatever, I fell into its trap. But this other much smaller dog went and grabbed the bottle. So the original dog was just staring at this small dog as it walked way. But once the dog had made it to the street, like 30 yards away, the bigger dog went full speed, and BOOOM! Rammed this tiny dog over in the street like a bull, and took the bottle and walked away. I ran away right after, because I didn’t want to deal with that.
Love you guys. Here are some cool pics.

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