Monday, May 29, 2017

Week 069 - The Argentine Price Is Right

Holy Cannoli.
Well I had a great week full of good times! So it turns out that the area that I work in now is too massive, and it takes me like an hour to just walk to an investigators house. It’s so big, because for some reason 4 of the 6 missionaries were taken out of our district for this transfer. So Elder Hopkins and I are the district. If you don’t know how missionary work is set up; each companionship has an area, and every district has like 2 to 4 areas. So we have 3 areas with a ton of investigators left by the last missionaries. Cool. So we are loaded with investigators now which is good times, I just have to walk a lot, so that’s good. We are supposed to have meetings with our district every week. So I just report to my companion who is my district leader. He says I’m a good district.
We are teaching this old dude named Osvaldo. He´s the next Donato, I’m telling ya. I talked to Osvaldo for like 5 minutes and told my companion, “This guy will be baptized, no doubt about.” He loves the church and says he feels really peaceful when we teach him. He says his home is pretty wild and is always complaining about his granddaughter that always slams her phone on the table when she’s mad. Tragic. He read the book of Mormon in less than a week, but he has no religious background. So if you don’t have much knowledge about the gospel of Christ, it kind of seems like a normal book with a ton of wars. So now he’s always asking about wars and why people are dying and such. He’s cool.
I’m not sure if I’ve told you my Argentina/nightmare before Christmas analogy. But before I explain my next story you must remember that Argentina is Halloween town, and just like the Jack Skellington, they see something they like and try to mimic it. And I’m putting emphasis on trying to mimic. We know that when Jack Skellington wanted to celebrate Christmas, he couldn’t quite do it the same way. Well so recently I saw with my own eyes, the Argentine price is right/minute to win it. It is these two game shows mixed together with a theme of fruits and vegetables. It’s quite incredible. For example one of the members of a family has to look at a basket of apples and guess how much the basket of apples cost. And if they get close enough they can take home some amount of apples. And to move on to the next round, in under a minute, they must stack 6 apples from the basket on top of each other. I asked my investigator if this was some kind of funny talk show event. But he tells me no this is the game show. But before they used to stack 7 apples.
The branch here is super cool and old. It’s like Galvez but a little bit bigger in attendance. There is one youth named Alexis and he is really cool and wants to come help with missionary work all the time. And everyone feeds us every week, but like really good food. One guy that everyone calls Juancito makes us like 6 milanesas each (Milanesas are like chicken filets that are breaded) with other good stuff. But I guess he’s gotten tired of talking to missionaries, so he just asks us to bring over a church movie to watch while we eat.
So Rafaela is full of Nazis. Totally. I’ve only been here a week and seen 3 pretty obvious Nazis. But the best was when we left the apartment at 8 in the morning and saw a naked man in a towel standing in front of his house, who screamed at us from across the street saying Heil Hitler; while giving the classic Nazi salute, and screaming whatever garbage about the Jews. And so I give the casual response of, "Oh uh ok, buen dia." For some reason everyone thinks we are from Germany. People don’t ask me if I’m from the United States, they ask me if I’m from Germany.
We had this other great contact the other day. We met this old man in front of his house, and he couldn’t understand a word we were saying and so I had wanted us to go talk to the senora and he couldn’t open the door, so he tried ringing the doorbell. But there wasn’t a doorbell on his house. He just kept pressing the keyhole a thousand times while getting really mad at the senora. So we left.
We had a missionary activity with all the youth in the other branches nearby; and so the missionaries from those branches came as well, and we taught the youth how they could have opportunities to share the gospel to their friends. And they came out with us to go pass the word out in the streets. It was good times
I love you guys a ton. You is kind. You is smart. You is Important

Elder Greene

I’m going to try to connect (Skype) here at 4 which would be 2 for you guys. Is that fine? What time do you have church?

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