Saturday, August 26, 2017

Week 083 - Hey Kids, Gim Me One Of Y'All's Yankee Prayers

I’m glad everyone has made it home safely!

So first off, today we switched up locations to write emails because we stayed the night in the apartment of other Elders, and we decided to go to "Diego´s house" to use their computers. Clever name to give your cyber when it’s actually just this guy house and his name is Diego. It was just a house in the middle of the neighborhood with an "open" sign and an Internet sign. So I went into this guy’s front living room and now I’m using one of his personal computers for internet at a decently cheap price. Diego's wife is totally nuts though, and it sound like she's giving her kid a real beating. Now Diego is asking me how long I’m staying in his business, because he has to go to the grocery store. Oh well.

Last week was really great, I mentioned before that family Guerra recently moved to the other branch in Rafaela, they were recently reactivated and we were preparing the daughter to be baptized. On Saturday Erica was baptized by her father who also prepared himself to be worthy to do the ordinance. The father is named Elias and he is the nicest guy, the whole family is fantastic and treat us very well. so we were able to make it over to the baptism on Saturday to support them, Elias is normally a very happy guy, but he was very happy this day not only for his daughter, but to be clean and ready to baptize her.

I also had one of the best knocking door moments of my mission last week. I it’s always a surprise to see who comes out of the homes we knock, but who knew I would come across the Santefesino Chamame king, Miguel Figueroa. Miguel plays the accordion for a Chamame group born and raised in Santa Fe. Chamame is like a folk Argentine music, with an accordion. But when he came to the door I knew exactly who he was, mostly because the majority of my mission I served in random farming towns in the middle of nowhere; and people dig it in the country. He didn’t accept the gospel so quickly, but I feel blessed to have seen him in person. Look up Miguel.

I also came across a very spiritual biker the other day, so spiritual that he wears a hat around that has the word "faith" written on it. Anyway this guy always wants to stop us so we can give him a "Yankee Prayer". He's always booking it on is bike yelling "Hey kids, give me one of y'all's Yankee prayers." So we say a prayer in English, and man he is grateful. So grateful that he gives us one of his catholic newspapers that he’s always selling. He says he’s an evangelist but the Virgin Maria is cool too if it pays the bills at home.

Well that’s pretty much my week. I’m glad you guys made it home. I love you!

Elder Greene

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